Apply for Veterans Upward Bound

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Step 1: Contact Information


Step 2: Personal History

Are you Hispanic or Latino?
What is your race?
What is your gender?
Are you a U.S. Citizen?

Step 3: Family History

Has your mother received/earned a baccalaureate degree?
Has your father received/earned a baccalaureate degree?
Which parent did you regularly reside with and receive support from during your childhood (i.e., until you were 18 years old)?(Please check only one box.)
What is your current educational status in the U.S.A? (CHECK ONLY ONE)
Are you currently enrolled in college or at a vocational/technical institution (education beyond grade 12)?
Has it been 5 or more years since you've been enrolled in college or at a vocational/Technical institution (education beyond grade 12)?

STEP 4: Household Information

Are you married?
Do you have children or other dependents (other than a spouse) who receives more than half of their support from you?
Are you homeless (i.e., you lack a fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence) or are at risk of becoming homeless?

STEP 5: Financial Information

To assist us in determining your eligibility, please complete the following section required by the Department of Education. The information that you provide is protected by the Family Rights and Privacy Act and therefore, will be kept confidential and on file at the Veterans Upward Bound of DC Program office located at The Catholic University of America.
What best describes your employment status?
Please select source of income: (Check ALL that apply)
Do you meet the income requirement as defined below?
"Low income" for this program is defined by 150% of the federal poverty level, subject to family size and dependents. In 2024, that is $21,870 for a 1 person household, $29,580 for a 2 person household, $37,290 for a 3 person household, $45,000 for a 4 person household, etc. Income is ONLY what is taxable - this does not include disability payments, social security payments, etc. If you have any questions, simply select "I don't know" and we will help you determine it.
Total number of people residing in your household:

STEP 6: Military History

What branch of service did you serve? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
Do you have a service connected disability?
I am interested in receiving information and/or assistance with applying for (check all that apply):
Please select the desired courses you would like to take while in the program. (Select all that apply)
Have you completed a college entrance exam (i.e. ACT, SAT, Compass)?
Please check if you are still:
Do you meet the definition of the term Veteran per the description below?
The definition of the term Veteran for the purposes of this program is someone who meets ANY of the following statements: (a) served in active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for more than 180 days and received other than a dishonorable discharge (b) was discharged because of a service-connected disability (c) was a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces called to active duty for more than 30 days (d) or was a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of a contingency operation on or after September 11, 2001 (e) have a high risk for academic failure


By signing this application, I attest that all the information on this application is correct and true. Moreover, I authorize the release of my academic records to the Veterans Upward Bound of DC (VUB DC) program hosted at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, understanding that the information in these record will be used only to assess the applicant's need for TRIO program services, discerning the veteran's educational progress, evaluate the effectiveness of TRIO program activities, and fulfill TRIO program reporting requirements. Finally, I authorize VUB DC to use the veteran's name, statements and likeness, without charge, for promotional purposes in VUB DC publications, advertising, video, and other formats.
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Apply for Veterans Upward Bound

Apply for Veterans Upward Bound

Apply for Veterans Upward Bound

Apply for Veterans Upward Bound

Apply for Veterans Upward Bound

Apply for Veterans Upward Bound